adventures in reflective surfaces

La Saussaye, France
Miroir à la grange
J'ai passé le week-end à la maison de mes parents en Normandie "La Grange". J'ai profité des derniers moments de verdure, je me suis délecté du parfum de la forêt et j'ai pris mon reflet dans la baie vitrée.
I spent the week-end at the parent's house in Normandy "La Grange" (The Barn). I have enjoyed the last moments of greenery, I have delighted in perfume of the forest and I took my reflection in the glass wall.
I spent the week-end at the parent's house in Normandy "La Grange" (The Barn). I have enjoyed the last moments of greenery, I have delighted in perfume of the forest and I took my reflection in the glass wall.
09 2001