adventures in reflective surfaces
This rendition of Pacific Northwest Indian art is decorating the west side of the unfinished storage shed next to our driveway. Our local building permit hierarchy recently told us we'd have to remove the shed, because it's located too close to the road.
This is puzzling to us because the new shed simply replaces our old falling-down shed that had lived in the same spot for eons. And the new shed is actually further from the road than the old shed was.
Were we savvy megacorp executives, we'd be able to schmooze our local government officials into allowing us to build an obscenely amplitudinous retail mall atop high quality wetlands. (True story.) But since we are merely the kingdom's lowly, peasant stock tax payers, we bear their wrath.
This is puzzling to us because the new shed simply replaces our old falling-down shed that had lived in the same spot for eons. And the new shed is actually further from the road than the old shed was.
Were we savvy megacorp executives, we'd be able to schmooze our local government officials into allowing us to build an obscenely amplitudinous retail mall atop high quality wetlands. (True story.) But since we are merely the kingdom's lowly, peasant stock tax payers, we bear their wrath.
02 2004