adventures in reflective surfaces
Spinning Reflective Orb at SFO
It's funny. When you're looking to buy a motorcycle, you begin to notice every motorcycle on every street. Once you've submitted to the mirrorproject you begin to notice every reflective surface everywhere.
I almost passed out when I saw this sculputre at the American departure gates at SFO. It starts out as a silver globe, then spins into four parts really fast. A mirror project nirvana. Regretfully, I was late for my flight and could only get off a few shots before running off to catch my plane.
I almost passed out when I saw this sculputre at the American departure gates at SFO. It starts out as a silver globe, then spins into four parts really fast. A mirror project nirvana. Regretfully, I was late for my flight and could only get off a few shots before running off to catch my plane.
10 2004