adventures in reflective surfaces
I went to a management training thing through work last year. At the end ofthe course, the leaders gave each participant a stuffed toy - I'm not surewhy, though I expect it had something to do with empowerment and fluffiness.Just my guess.
They gave me a monkey.
I work in the internet industry. Does anyone else see the cruel irony?
The monkey now sits on the corner of my monitor, straddling the wing mirrorwhich used to be very useful when I sat with my back to the rest of theoffice, and now remains, out of habit, reflecting my small corner of theoffice, making it look like a pod.
They gave me a monkey.
I work in the internet industry. Does anyone else see the cruel irony?
The monkey now sits on the corner of my monitor, straddling the wing mirrorwhich used to be very useful when I sat with my back to the rest of theoffice, and now remains, out of habit, reflecting my small corner of theoffice, making it look like a pod.
11 2001