adventures in reflective surfaces

i just got new glasses. i've needed them for the past 8 months since i lost my last pair, but never got around to it until i failed my vision exam at the dmv. i like them a lot.
this is the last month i'm going to be living in this apartment and i'd just gotten back from my favorite club that was having its final night. my girlfriend and i had moved in without any furniture or jobs using credit cards to make the security deposit and rent, but we were so happy then.
the bathroom has the coolest folding tryptic mirror. i'm going to miss this apartment so much and the good times i've had here ( in the apartment that is, not just the bathroom).
this is the last month i'm going to be living in this apartment and i'd just gotten back from my favorite club that was having its final night. my girlfriend and i had moved in without any furniture or jobs using credit cards to make the security deposit and rent, but we were so happy then.
the bathroom has the coolest folding tryptic mirror. i'm going to miss this apartment so much and the good times i've had here ( in the apartment that is, not just the bathroom).
06 2002