adventures in reflective surfaces
We wanted to see the Mirror Project through other's eyes and sent out a call.
Pick 10. They could be random favourites or grouped thematically. Frankly, we didn't know what to expect, but we're pleased as punch. The choices cover a wide breadth of topics, styles and emotions.
- try one on, Leslie Harpold
- a tribute to the grandpas, Allan O'Marra
- me and my camera, Michael Barrish
- cornell, Melanie Goux
- you are who, who you are, Piotrek Pecherz
- palais royal, Karl Dubost
- tiny digital fun, Elaine Mesker-Garcia
- shoe fetish, Min Jung Kim
- real smooth shave, Randall van der Woning
- in the world's kitchens, Ed Hawco
- wigs, Judith Zissman
- signs, Judith Zissman
- shiny surfaces in hong kong, Randall van der Woning
- chicago, Alejandra Valera de Barrett
- infinite regress, Derek Powazek
- in the eye of the beholder, jacqueline X
- paranoia, Pal Kossowski
- art potty, Reid Stott
- wedded to a reflection, Dawn Mikulich
- remembrance, Balthusar Alvarez
- in my room: intimate moments of self-examination, Allan O'Marra
- winter promise, Marc North
- hands: all full of glory, Alejandra Valera de Barrett
- disco ball world, Michael Galkovsky
- faucet-o, Misha Green
- instant karma, Leslie Harpold
- london calling, michael woodward
- sans device, jemma
- trains, planes and automobiles, Rannie
- daylight ghosts, Geegaw
- animal magnetism, Noah Grey
- type, frank kolodziej
- the make-up mirror, Jess Barron
- vintage, Elaine Mesker-Garcia
- september 11, Denis Krylov
- images of new york - i still love you ny, Min Jung Kim
- work, Stewart Butterfield
- multiple person-alities, Randall van der Woning
- don't talk to me until i've had my coffee!, Kitty Mead
- ikea, Rachel James
- jesus, mary and joseph!, Caroline van Oosten de Boer
- reflective geometry, Jan Harsman
- com'puh.zish'un, Lance Arthur
- sphere, Meg Pickard
- the big bright sky, ryan gantz
- in the shower, alison headley
- these are the daves of our lives, Davezilla
- reflections with cat, Laura Holder
- objects in mirror are closer than they appear, R. Elise Tomek
- skin, Dave Faris
- see you, see me, Jish Mukerji
- europa, Melanie Goux
- when i close my eyes, Karl Dubost
- pinkadinkadoo, Caterina Fake
- go analog, Matt Jones
- it's a hair thing, kylie gusset
- ten by karl, Mark Howells
- accidental stills from imaginary movies, Mena Trott
- our books, Jessamyn West
- reflections of san francisco, Derek Powazek
- reflecting pool, Judith Zissman
- reflections of youth, webchick
- movie auditions for the part of "serial killer #1", some unsuccessful, Jason Kottke
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